Program Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree)


Educating the Designers of Tomorrow

The future of design is built on collaboration — between designers and researchers, scientists, humanists, and craftsmen. It represents the fusion of craftsmanship, technology, and science.

Works by design students made of wood on metal stands
Design students' exhibition | Photo by School of Form
About the program


(Bachelor's Degree)


4 year (8 terms)


Full-time program


Studies in English

Tuition 2025/2026

EUR 7,600 per year

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year of study

Choose one of two specializations

After completing your first year of study, you already have foundational knowledge and familiarity with various useful tools. In your second year, you can apply these skills by choosing one of two specializations: Communication Design or Product Design. Regardless of your choice, you will still take some classes with all of the students.

If there are only enough students to form one group, the specialization will be decided by a majority vote.

year of study

Choose your tool path

In the third year, as part of the specialization, you can choose a tool-oriented path to refine and develop the skills that will prove crucial in preparing your thesis and in the future.

Communication Design
Design Path

The Design Path focuses on the tools needed to create complex visual systems that combine typographic and illustrative elements.

Illustration Path

In the Illustration Path, you will refine your skills and expand your knowledge of illustration tools and techniques. Your primary mediums will include hand drawing, illustration, screen printing, photography, film, and animation.

Product Design
Analog Path

In the Analog Path, you will refine your skills in constructing frameworks and structures. You will develop your skills in working with traditional materials using craftsmanship techniques.

Digital Path

In the Digital Path, you will expand your knowledge of robotic tools and parametric design, and become familiar with digital design software.

year of study

Graduation project

The final year of studies is primarily dedicated to the graduation project, which consists of both a design and a descriptive component. You will be guided by two thesis advisors throughout the process.

Additionally, you will engage in inter-specialization projects conducted in collaboration with our business and community partners. Completing a module will further equip you for a successful transition into the job market.

our staff

Practitioners and theorists, designers and researchers

Our faculty comprises acclaimed expert-practitioners whose knowledge and expertise align with the dynamic demands of the market, experienced educators and researchers who have created our curriculum, and renowned designers who combine technological expertise with humanistic sensibility. They generously share the wealth of their professional experience with students.

Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka

Program Director at School of Form, Dean of SWPS University's Faculty of Design in Warsaw

School of Form is an adventure. Not only for students but also for teachers. We are still in the process of growing and maturing. We are still learning – from each other, from students and from the market.


Dominik Cudny

Head of the photo-video studio, a professional photographer by choice, a psychologist by education

Łukasz Jędraszczak

Assistant in the Numerical machines workshop, graduate of architecture and urban planning at Warsaw University of Technology, huge fan of lego

Stanisław Macleod

Assistant in the woodworking and metal workshop, furniture and product designer, graduate of Glasgow School of Art

Paulina Matusiak

Graphic Designer

Estera Mrówka

Assistant in the Screen Printing and Drawing Studio, she explores the artistic possibilities of utilizing drawing in illustration, workshop graphics, ceramics, and sculpture

Szymon Pasierb

Head of the woodworking and metal workshop, furniture and product designer, graduate of London Metropolitan University

Schedule a Consultation

We are here to assist with any inquiries you may have about admissions, study programs, fees, and scholarships. Engage in a one-on-one meeting with our specialist at a time that suits you best.
Book an appointment

Feel free to contact us via phone or email as well:
phone: +48 22 103 26 30
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stay in touch

Not sure which program to choose, but want to learn more about design at the School of Form? Fill out the form to stay in touch and receive more information.

year of study

Experiment, discover, experience

All first-year students follow the same program, although the order and instructors may vary depending on the group. They delve into the fundamentals of the design process, explore 2D and 3D design concepts, and familiarize themselves with specialized tools and software. Some discover hidden talents and interests, while others solidify a choice of specialization they have been considering for some time.

Students are introduced to workshops. In professionally equipped studios, they learn craft techniques and how to operate various machines and equipment.

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