Our Team

Who is teaching?

People of the School of Form

At the School of Form, people are the most important — students, designers, and researchers, who not only create curriculum but, above all, establish a collaborative and creative study environment. It is the people and their collective professional experience that truly set the studies at the School of Form apart, making them exceptional.

O rozmiłowaniu w niezdecydowaniu | Projektantka: Adrianna Gruszka | Fot. Arkadiusz Szwed


One of the criteria for selecting our staff is their professional engagement, ensuring that their expertise extends beyond theory to practical application. Some contribute by designing and bringing their concepts to life, while others engage in research, documentation, publication, and exhibition. Notably, some have gained recognition through winning competitions.

Dominik Cudny

Head of the photo-video studio, a professional photographer by choice, a psychologist by education

Łukasz Jędraszczak

Assistant in the Numerical machines workshop, graduate of architecture and urban planning at Warsaw University of Technology, huge fan of lego

Stanisław Macleod

Assistant in the woodworking and metal workshop, furniture and product designer, graduate of Glasgow School of Art

Paulina Matusiak

Graphic Designer

Estera Mrówka

Assistant in the Screen Printing and Drawing Studio, she explores the artistic possibilities of utilizing drawing in illustration, workshop graphics, ceramics, and sculpture

Szymon Pasierb

Head of the woodworking and metal workshop, furniture and product designer, graduate of London Metropolitan University


The School of Form was established on the initiative of Piotr Voelkel, the founder of SWPS University. Zuzanna Skalska, a trend forecaster working in Poland and the Netherlands, inspired him to collaborate with Lidewij Edelkoort, the long-time director of the Design Academy Eindhoven. Together with Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka and Dawid Wiener, Li Edelkoort created the curriculum foundations. In the early years of the School of Form in Poznań, Li Edelkoort served as its strategic director.