Bartosz Mucha
Bartosz Mucha

Produck Design program coordinator


Lecturer at the Faculty of Domestic Design. He received a degree in poster design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. His work encompasses both art and design. He uses a concept introduced by himself called functional fixation, which stands for the inability to discern a new functional use of an object already associated with another function. He rebels against stereotypes regarding the functionality of utilitarian objects and modern life schemes. His works were presented among others at individual exhibitions in the BB Gallery in Cracow and Wroclaw (2005) and FAIT Gallery in Cracow (2006). Co-organizer and participant of the project in Weimar (2006) and participant in many group exhibitions, including Poster Festival (Cracow 1998, 1999 and 2002), Grand Prix of Young Polish Graphic Design (Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow 2004), Available art - art for sale (2004, 2005), Departures (Vienna 2006), Polish Design Expo, Shanghai (2010) , Łódź Design Festival (2010), Design Act (Moscow 2010), EtnoDesign (Cracow 2010).

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