Dorota Bąkowska is a master tailor, a practitioner who comes from the long line of three generations of tailors and teachers. She has gained professional experience at the family firm and beyond. Although she studied ballet, she chose the dance of thread and needle, because her love of sewing began in childhood when she was making dresses for her dolls – actors in the home puppet theatre. Later, she devoted close to 30 years to preparing production for Polish and German companies. She knows the fashion industry inside and out – not only the haut couture, but also the mass market production, where the quality and timeliness come at a price. She is not only a seamstress, but also a pattern designer. She makes paper patterns and can design garments using specialized computer programs. However, her favorite occupation is teaching and discovering, together with creative designers, innovative fashion solutions and improved sewing techniques. She favors practicum over theory, so everything she teaches has been developed and proven over many years of sewing experience. For her, sewing is an art that allows people to create their own image, and through clothes helps them express not only their needs, but also feelings, desires, and moods. Since 2019, she has been collaborating with the Przekrój magazine, where she develops patterns and instructions for the Fashion section.