It’s not the same – the picture book as a platform for coping with grief

  • Designer: Magdalena Kajka
  • Project advisors: Marta Kwiatek, Maciej Frąckowiak

Diploma project

It’s not the same – the picture book as a platform for coping with grief

The project, presented as a picture book, narrates the story of the author’s grandmother, who passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. The book's illustrations, accompanied by brief comments, evoke personal memories, stories, and objects related to the memory of the deceased. For the author, creating this project was a way to express and process the emotions associated with losing a loved one, using creativity as a form of mourning. The final publication also serves as a source of support for others experiencing loss.

Magdalena Kajka



Specialization: Communication Design
Year of graduation: 2023

Graduation 9

Moment, w którym wydajemy kolejny katalog z pracami dyplomowymi studentów jest zawsze szczególny. Z jednej strony to pożegnanie absolwentów konkretnego rocznika i uhonorowanie poprzez pokazanie ich prac dyplomowych, z drugiej też podsumowanie najważniejszych czy najciekawszych projektów, które realizowaliśmy z studentami w ostatnim roku.
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