Vases of Tenderness

  • Designer: Anna Sobczyk
Gdynia Design Days 2024
Project: Vases of Tenderness | Designer: Anna Sobczyk | Photo: School of Form
Project: Vases of Tenderness | Designer: Anna Sobczyk | Photo: School of Form

Student project

Vases of Tenderness

This set of porcelain vases explores the relationships between mullein and other plants as a metaphor for human connections. Mullein represents the idea that while we can thrive independently, our true strength and potential is realized within a community. The cylindrical vases, of varying heights and subtle curves, symbolize both the pursuit of an ideal and the richness of diversity. Each curved vase is unique, reflecting the individuality of each plant and person and celebrating the beauty of our d

Author of the project

The object was designed by Anna Sobczyk, a student of Industrial Design.

The project is part of the exhibition "Synanthropic plants. What Weeds teach us?" which was presented at this year's Gdynia Design Days 2024 festival.

Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?

Part of collection „Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?”.

Learn more