Tiny pleasures

  • Designer: Jagoda Harton
  • Project advisors: Arkadiusz Szwed, Mateusz Falkowski
Graduation 9
Project: Tiny pleasures | Designer: Jagoda Harton | Photo by School of Form
Project: Tiny pleasures | Designer: Jagoda Harton | Photo by School of Form

Diploma project

Tiny pleasures

An installation of objects placed in 50 porcelain spheres in an inflatable pool, and a zine with explanations to decode the selected objects. The work, based on a study of pleasure by the author, is open - the recipient can add their own object and can add their own object and describe its history.

Jagoda Harton



Specialization: Domestic Design
Year of graduation: 2023

Graduation Show 9 – exhibition

Part of collection „Graduation Show 9 – exhibition”.

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