Snare for the moron

  • Designer: Hubert Potrawiak
  • Project advisors: Wojciech Dziedzic, Piotr Szaradowski
Graduation 9
Project: Snare for the moron | Designer: Hubert Potrawiak | Photo by School of Form
Project: Snare for the moron | Designer: Hubert Potrawiak | Photo by School of Form

Diploma project

Snare for the moron

The clothing collection, derived from an analysis of subcultures — gits, skinheads, hooligans — focuses on transforming their value systems into clothes that prevent aggression. It is a critical commentary on the construct of dominant masculinity.

Hubert Potrawiak



Year of graduation: 2023

Graduation Show 9 – exhibition

Part of collection „Graduation Show 9 – exhibition”.

Learn more