OKŁA – mirror mask

  • Designer: Agata Germain
Gdynia Design Days 2024
Project: OKŁA | Designer: Agata Germain | Photo: School of Form
Project: OKŁA | Designer: Agata Germain | Photo: School of Form

Student project


A project that criticizes the blindness to the beauty of plants and ignores their negative impact on the environment. Black locust, introduced to Europe for its beauty, spreads uncontrollably without natural enemies, destroying biodiversity. Plants always compete for resources, but the robinia harms the environment for its own benefit. The mirrors symbolize the fragility and blindness of narcissistic beauty. The handles force the mask to be held like a shield, suggesting a defense against destruction. The project questions the ability to coexist sustainably with nature, the need to look beyond.

Author of the project

The object was designed by Agata Germain, a student of Industrial Design.

The project is part of the exhibition "Synanthropic plants. What Weeds teach us?" which was presented at this year's Gdynia Design Days 2024 festival.

Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?

Part of collection „Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?”.

Learn more