Noise Shaker Box

  • Designer: Kazimierz Babik
Gdynia Design Days 2024
Project: Noise Shaker Box | Designer: Kazimierz Babik | Photo: School of Form
Project: Noise Shaker Box | Designer: Kazimierz Babik | Photo: School of Form

Student project

Noise Shaker Box

Noise Shaker Box is a harsh noise instrument inspired by the design of the evening primrose flower. The dried plant encapsulates the free seeds, creating a natural rattle. The instrument is made of welded steel plate and simple electronics. Inside are metal screws, nuts, and washers that hit the walls when shaken. The resulting vibrations are picked up by a piezoelectric transducer and converted into sound waves that, combined with guitar effects, create the final sound.

Author of the project

The object was designed by Kazimierz Babik, a student of Industrial Design.

The project is part of the exhibition "Synanthropic plants. What Weeds teach us?" which was presented at this year's Gdynia Design Days 2024 festival.

Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?

Part of collection „Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?”.

Learn more