Mini-Ministry of Education
- Designer: Klara Malinowska, Oliwia Warchałowska
- Project advisors: Jolanta Starzak, Paweł Starzec
- Materials: fabrics and knits, upholstery foam, camping mat (all recycled), sailor's strings, MDF board, cardboard, upholstery foam, cordura, velcro.

Graduation project
Mini-Ministry of Education
Together with the children, the authors have developed a comprehensive set of solutions for workshop education, spatial education and customized costume-armor for students in the school day-care room.
Nowadays creativity is more and more appreciated and considered as one of the key qualities of a "citizen of the future". Unfortunately, the Polish education system does not place enough emphasis on the development of creative skills.
To discover the potential of design as a tool for identifying and filling gaps in the educational system, the authors decided to conduct an experiment in the school day-care room for primary school students. Through a series of workshops and research, they aimed to equip students with design tools, and together they sought answers to questions about their dreams for the school space and needs that were not being met. This journey led to one goal – to affirm the value of children as experts in their own affairs. Students' sense of agency in school was restored, and through free thinking, their creativity was finally properly valued.
Klara Malinowska, Oliwia Warchałowska
Specialization: Domestic Design
Graduation year: 2022