Calculate Your Next Move

  • Designer: Karolina Błońska
Gdynia Design Days 2024
Project: Calculate Your Next Move | Designer: Karolina Błońska | Photo: School of Form
Project: Calculate Your Next Move | Designer: Karolina Błońska | Photo: School of Form

Student project

Calculate Your Next Move

This chess set is inspired by the invasive Rumex cyprius (Yellow Dock) plant. Its cold-bloodedness, strategic nature, dominance, and striking stature were pivotal in shaping the design. Every aspect of the chess set reimagining was guided by the unique characteristics of Yellow Dock. The moss growing between the squares of the chessboard symbolizes the resilience of invasive plants, capable of thriving even in the harshest conditions, like cracks in concrete.

Author of the project

The object was designed by Karolina Błońska, a student of Industrial Design.

The project is part of the exhibition "Synanthropic plants. What Weeds teach us?" which was presented at this year's Gdynia Design Days 2024 festival.

Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?

Part of collection „Synanthropic plants. What do weeds teach us?”.

Learn more