
  • Designer: Aleksandra Świtalska
  • Project advisors: Arkadiusz Szwed, Marcin Olkowicz
Graduation 10
Project: Bubble | Designer: Aleksandra Świtalska | Photo by Arkadiusz Szwed
Project: Bubble | Designer: Aleksandra Świtalska | Photo by Arkadiusz Szwed


"Bubble" is a series of objects made from soap. This speculative project illustrates a hypothetical future scenario in which soap gains a new purpose in the post-comfort era of bathing. The objects, with forms that allude to a bursting bubble, symbolize the irreversibility of the changes that await us in the coming decades. Inspired by the properties of soap, the designer highlights its untapped potential in the context of the impending water availability crisis. The project proposes an alternative use for soap, not as a detergent, but as a material.

Aleksandra Świtalska



Specialization: Design
Year of graduation: 2024

School of Form at Designblok Festival 2024

Part of collection „School of Form at Designblok Festival 2024”.

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