Published: 30 June 2021

Graduation Show ½(6+7)

Graduation 1/2 (6+7)
Events and exhibitions
Our projects

The Graduation Show is the most important event of the academic year at the School of Form. It is a time when the graduating students of communication, interior, fashion and industrial design present their diploma projects. This year it took place on the campus of the SWPS University in Warsaw and online.

Katalog z pracami studentów

Projekt dyplomowy

Unique edition

This year's edition of the Graduation Show was supposed to be the seventh in a row. However, due to the pandemic, the previous, sixth edition of the event did not take place. Final exams were extended, and the organizers were unsure until the last moment what the summer of 2021 would bring and whether they would be able to present the graduation projects to a wider audience. Therefore, this year's Graduation Show will have a unique format – it will take place both on campus and online.

Instead of presenting objects designed by the graduates, it was decided to show photographs of their works taken in the atmospheric interiors of the Sinfonia Varsovia Music Center in Warsaw.

This edition is also unique in its numbering - ½ (6+7). This is because we are presenting the work of half (½) of the graduates from the previous (6) and the current (7) year. Their projects tell family stories, seek answers to questions about the future of the planet, human relationships, and the limits of matter.

Over the past decade, the Department of Design at SWPS University has successfully graduated students from Poland and abroad, such as Ukraine, China, Russia, Belarus, Slovakia and Norway. The hallmark of all these works lies in the artistic sensitivity of the authors and their skillful use of research tools. As a result, the innovative solutions created by these young designers effectively address contemporary social needs.

See graduation projects

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